Lectures & Conferences

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Lectures & Conferences

Datum: 2023-07-29

Prof. Dr. Anja Bettenworth (Köln) and Prof. Dr. Claudia Gronemann (Mannheim) give a double lecture:

  • "Zwischen Dido, Monnica und Kahena. Nordafrikanische Frauenfiguren in antiken und modernen Diskursen Europas und Nordafrikas"
  • "'Raconter, par bribes l'épopée de la Kahena'. Zur Geschichte einer Figur des weiblichen Widerstands im Maghreb"

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Datum: 2023-10-28
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Topic: "Augustin Theiner (1804-1874) als Historiker der Restauration nach der Französischen Revolution"

The lecture is part of the study day on the archivist of the Holy See, Augustin Theiner. His tomb is located on the Campo Santo Teutonico.

The lecture of Herman H. Schwedt (Salsomaggiore) and of Alexandra von Teuffenbach (Rome) was chanceled.

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Datum: 2023-10-28
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

The famous and controversial archivist of the Holy See Augustin Theiner (1804-1874), who will have the 150th anniversary of his death next year, has a special connection with Campo Santo Teutonico, as he not only belonged, since 1838, to the Archconfraternity but also found his grave in the German cemetery. Theiner was an opponent of the dogma of infallibility.

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Datum: 2023-11-23
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico (Vatikan)

Change of three lectures: Fra Emmanuel Rousseau speaks on Friday at 9.30, Gianfranco Armando on Thursday at 14.20 and Dr. Federica G. Giordani on Thursday at 15.30.

In honour of Prof. Dr Johannes Grohe - in anticipation of his 70th birthday - an international conference on "Archives of monasteries and religious orders from the Middle Ages to the present: between administration, authority of knowledge and historical research / Les archives des ordres religieux du Moyen Age à nos jours: entre administration, autorité du savoir et science historique" will be held at the RIGG. The organisers are Dr Jörg Voigt (Hanover), RIGG's Medieval Desk Officer, and Dr Augustin Laffay OP (Rome), Director of the General Archives of the Dominicans.

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Datum: 2024-03-06
Ort: Angelicum / Gregoriana

In honour of Cardinal Kurt Koch, who will reach the age of 75 on 15 March 2025, a scientific symposium on the theme of "Unity and Uniqueness" will be held at the Angelicum and the Gregorian University from 6 to 8 March 2024, to which all friends of the Cardinal and those interested are cordially invited. It will be a scientific conference in which Cardinal Koch will be an active participant and co-discussant.

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Datum: 2023-07-26
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

From 26 to 29 July, an international conference "Christian - Heroine - Queen: Maghrebian and European Perspectives on Literary Women in Ancient North Africa" will take place at the RIGG. The conference is organised by Anja Bettenworth (University of Cologne) and Claudia Gronemann (University of Mannheim). In a way, the event is a continuation of the Augustine Conference of March 2019 published in the Roman Quarterly.


Datum: 2023-05-27
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Theme: "United in persecution? Greeks, Jews and Christians in ancient Alexandria"

Dr. Andreas Hartmann, who holds a doctorate from the Catholic University of Eichstätt, is a senior academic councillor for ancient history at the University of Augsburg, 

Location: Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

Beginning:  6 pm 

For participation via Zoom contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Datum: 2023-04-29
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Topic: "Mein Leben mit Rom"

The novelist Martin Mosebach, a lawyer educated in Frankfurt and Bonn, was awarded the Büchner Prize in 2007. He has published numerous novels, most recently "Taube und Wildente" (Pigeon and Wild Duck), and also regularly makes a name for himself with his cultural criticism.

Location: Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

Beginning: 18 Uhr (anschl. Empfang)

To participate via Zoom please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
