Lectures & Conferences

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Lectures & Conferences

Datum: 2023-03-25
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Thema: "Ein Hauch von Rom: Klostergründungen und Pilgerwege im Bistum Passau im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert"

Dr Christian Handschuh is Professor of Church History and Christian Identities at the Catholic Faculty of the University of Passau.

The lecture will take place as part of the conference "Rome as Sacred Topography from the Middle Ages to Modern Times" (at RIGG, 23-25 March).

Location. Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

Start: 6 pm

For participation via Zoom please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Datum: 2023-03-23
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico (Vatikan)

The Bavarian Regional History and European Regional History and the Church History and Christian Identities at the University of Passau are organising the conference in conjunction with the RIGG. Prof. Dr. Britta Kägler and Prof. Dr. Christian Handschuh are in charge.

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Datum: 2023-02-25
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Topic: "Hofierst Du den Tod?" - Venus und Maria im "Gattopardo" von Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

Joachim Hake is since 2007 Director ot the Catholic Academy of Berlin. Before he was activ at Castle Rothenfels. He passed the academic year 1988/89 in Rome at the German College.

Location: Aula Pope Benedict XVI. (Campo Santo Teutonico)

Start: 6 pm 

For participation via Zoom please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Cornelia Bäurle has published a report on the conference "Papstreisen im Mittelalter" (Papal Journeys in the Middle Ages) organised by Christopher Kast and Claudia Märtl and held at the Campo Santo Teutonico for the online platform HSozKult. In it, she outlines the individual contributions and their outcome. The proceedings of the conference will be published in the autumn of this year as the 70th supplement volume of the Römische Quartalschrift by Herder.


Datum: 2023-01-17
Ort: Webinar (Zoom)

In the second episode of the Görres Society webinar, Stefan Heid talks about the history of the Roman Institute, founded in 1888, this time mainly about the first full-time director, Msgr. Dr. Stephan Ehses (* 1926) and the Institute's research projects. The lecture will take place on 17 January at 7.30 pm.


Datum: 2022-11-26
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Theme: Splendour of the Serenissima. Venetian church music in the early 18th century

Christin Seidenberg works at the University of Frankfurt. Her lecture was supposed to take place earlier, but was cancelled due to Covid and is now being made up for..

Location. Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

Beginning: 6 pm 


The lecture given by Dr Sven Conrad (Bettbrunn) on 24 November at the conference "Cult of the People" on the topic "'Cultus publicus' as a basic idea of Christian worship" can now be seen on YouTube. The conference proceedings will be published by the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft in autumn..

Sven Conrad