Supporting science through donations and foundations
Our general account for donations:
Görres Society
IBAN: DE07 3705 0299 0000 3729 61
Our commitment to you:
- All our events are open to you.
- We keep you up to date via the newsletter.
- We organise sponsor trips to the International Festival of Sacred Music in Rome (approx. mid-November).
- We put the advertising banner of your institution/company on our homepage (100,000 visitors per year).
- We will respond to your wishes.
- Visit us in Rome and we will organise something special for you.
- Choose a book gift from our publications.
Join our Hall of Fame - become a supporting member!
Those who live outside Italy but would still like to belong to the Roman Institute of the Görres Society can now do so by becoming a supporting member, without having to make a permanent commitment. Every sustaining member is inducted into the Hall of Fame.
What do I have to do?
- You donate at least 500,- Euro to the RIGG on the general account for donations (see above) or on the account of the foundation (see below).
- Each additional donation is added to this basic amount so that you move up in the Hall of Fame....
There are four classes of sustaining members:
- Class "BACH": from of 500,- € onwards
- Class "LIC": from of 2.000,- € onwards
- Class "DOC": from 5.000,- € onwards
- Class "HABIL": from 10.000,- € onwards
For example, if you donate 500,- € annually, you will pass from "baccalaureate" to "licence" in four years, and in another six years you will have your "doctorate". Of course, it can also be done faster.
Our foundation:
The "Stiftung zur Förderung des Römischen Instituts der Görres-Gesellschaft" was established in December 2012 and has since grown to a capital of 350,000 euros. In 2020, the foundation moved to the Stiftungszentrum des Erzbistums Köln.
Erzbischöfliche Stiftung Köln
Pax Bank eG (Köln)
IBAN: DE42 3706 0193 0034 0000 00
The Foundation enables scholars as well as members and guests of the Institute to spend research periods in Rome and supports them for their publications. Rome has always inspired people of all backgrounds and ages. It would be desirable to be able to offer even more scholarships. For the work and vitality of the Roman Institute of the Görres Society thrives on guest researchers with their own ideas and projects.
In addition, the Foundation also supports short- and longer-term research projects, such as connecting the library to online catalogues. It participates in the international discourse on the role of the Church in German-Italian history through specialist conferences.
The Board of the Foundation asks for your commitment.
The board members cordially invite you to get involved according to your possibilities by making an endowment. With your help, the Foundation can develop into an effective study foundation.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Heid
is Professor of Liturgical History and Hagiography at the Pontifical Institute for Christian Archaeology in Rome and Director of the RIGG.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Heid
Prof. Dr. Johannes Grohe
is Professor of Church History at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome.
Prof. Dr. Johannes Grohe
Prof. em. Dr. Wolfgang Bergsdorf †
was President of the Görres Society from 2007 to 2015.
Dr. Martin Barth
has been Secretary General of the Görres Society in Bonn since 2016.
Dr. Martin Barth
In trustful hands
Would you like to know more?
Your contact: Msgr. Prof. Dr. Stefan Heid
Campo Santo Teutonico, 00120 Città del Vaticano
Tel.: +39 / 388 99 43 616
- Written by: Super User
- Category: Foundation
- Hits: 2291