Lectures & Conferences

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Lectures & Conferences

Datum: 2024-10-26
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

The art historian Prof Dr Christian Hecht will speak on the subject of "The art decoration of the Sistine Chapel and its liturgical function".

He has some spectacular insights to share.

Beginning: 18 

Location: Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

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Datum: 2024-05-25
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Topic: "Ein Meisterspion im Vatikan? Das mysteriöse Leben des Prälaten Rudolf Gerlach (1886-1946)"

Hartmut Benz (Ruppichteroth), one of the best experts on the Roman Curia in the 19th/20th century, has shed light on the opaque life of the German Curia prelate Rudolf Gerlach, who came from Baden, in three articles in the Römische Quartalschrift (2021-2023) and presents the results of his research.

Beginning: 6 pm

Location: Hall Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

For participation via Zoom please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Datum: 2024-04-27
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Jobst Knigge (Hamburg) speaks on "Der Kampf zwischen Bundesrepublik Deutschland und DDR um die deutsche Kultur in Rom".

Location: Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

Start: 6 pm

Who wishes to participate via Zoom is invited to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Datum: 2024-02-24
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Topic: China as utopic state in Athanasius Kircher SJ (1602-1680) (in German)

Elena Luckhardt (Bamberg) is a lecturer at the Chair of Early Modern History at the University of Potsdam (Prof. Asche).

Location: Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

Beginning: 6 pm


For participation via Zoom please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Datum: 2024-01-27
Ort: Campo Santo Teutonico

Topic: "Die Eroberung Roms durch die Westgoten im Jahr 410 im Spiegel der Predigten des Bischofs Augustinus von Hippo"

Rev. Dr. des. Vanessa Bayha is director of the  Centre of Melanchthon in Rome.

Location: Aula Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

Start: 6 pm


For participation via Zoom please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Before a detailed conference report is published in the next few weeks, we would like to briefly summarise the event here. With over 50 participants, the conference on monastery archives conference on monastery archives at the end of November was undoubtedly a successful event organised by the RIGG's Medieval Department, which is headed by Dr Jörg Voigt.

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