Roman Notes

Highlights from the cultural world of Rome

Roman Notes

The canon lawyer Dr Matthias Ambros from the diocese of Passau, member of the RIGG and lecturer at the Gregoriana, is the new Undersecretary in the Dicastery for Culture and Education of the Holy See. He works under the Portuguese Cardinal Mendonca de Tolentino, who is currently carrying out the reorganisation of the papal academic institutions.

Dott. Pietro Zander from the St. Peter's Cathedral Building Workshop, who knows more about the current and historical history of St. Peter's Basilica than anyone else, will give a lecture on 27 January at 5 pm at the Pontifical Institute for Christian Archaeology on the topic of "Nuova luce sulla necropoli vaticana sotto San Pietro. I restauri recenti".


There is no end to the celebrations in Rome. On 22-23 January, a conference will be held in the Vatican Museums to mark the 200th anniversary of the death of Ercole Consalvi (1757-1824). It is being organised by the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, which is now under the direction of Marek Inglot SJ.

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The Pontifical Institute for Sacred Music is joining in the jubilee culture: on the occasion of Max Reger's 150th birthday, organ concerts will be held in the Sala Accademica in Piazza Navona (Piazza S. Agostino 20a) on 12, 19 and 26 January and on 2 February under the patronage of the German Embassy to the Holy See. Father Robert Mehlhart OP has been the director of the institute since last year.


Stefan von Kempis begins his report on the impressive Christmas concert by the Venice Symphony Orchestra organised by the Vatican Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI Foundation with the words: "It was almost like old times: A concert in honour of Benedict XVI took place in the church of the "Campo Santo Teutonico" at the Vatican on Wednesday evening".

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