The Pontifical Institute for Christian Archaeology is offering its books at a discount for Christmas..
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- Written by: Stefan Heid
- Category: Roman notes
Highlights from the cultural world of Rome
The Pontifical Institute for Christian Archaeology is offering its books at a discount for Christmas..
A Deutschlandfunk podcast is dedicated to St Peter and his tomb in Rome. The panellists are Matthias Simperl (Augsburg), Stefan Heid (Rome), Georg Satzinger. (Bonn) and Matthias von Hellfeld.
Book on the topic: Petrus und Paulus in Rom
A Christmas concert in memory of Pope Benedict XVI will take place on 20 December at 5 pm in the church of Campo Santo Teutonico. The concert is organised by the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI.
The Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, in collaboration with other institutions, is organising a study day at Campo Santo Teutonico in memory of the German Pope, who died in Rome on New Year's Eve 2022.
Following various archaeological explorations carried out by the Franciscan conventuals in the important early Christian Church of the Twelve Apostles, the redesigned altar area, which allows a view of the early Christian altar, will be presented on 1 December at 4 pm (until 6 pm).
Bullettino vaticano del 10 novembre 2023:
The Rectors and Principals of the six Pontifical Academic Institutions administratively dependent on the Holy See (Pontifical Lateran University, Pontifical Urbanian University, Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology, Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for the Sciences of Marriage and the Family)
On 7 December, following Vespers on the Solemnity of the Archconfraternity of Santa Maria della Pietà (5 p.m.), Dr Teresa Lohr's book on the former and current artistic decoration of the church of the Campo Santo Teutonico of S. Heid will be presented. The book is the 69th supplement volume of the Römische Quartalschrift. Mrs Lohr was an assistant at the Roman Institute of the Görres Society. The church of the Campo Santo was built by the confraternity founded in the middle of the 15th century and consecrated in 1500, making it older than the Renaissance St Peter's Basilica.
According to unconfirmed sources, the French Trappists are currently leaving their monastery in Frattocchie, located on the Via Appia Nuova in front of Castel Gandolfo. The monastery is said to be up for sale.
Deadline: 10 Dicember
The Sangalli Institute offers the third international intensive course on the archives of the Holy See and Roman Catholicism, to be held in Rome from 22 to 26 January 2024.
Dr Andreas Burtscheidt, head of the Hanns Seidel Foundation's doctoral funding programme, came to Rome in November with a 40-strong group from the club of former scholarship holders. The programme "History, politics and culture to the right and left of the Tiber" also included lectures and guided tours by "Görresians", in this case the director and Dr Ulf Schulte-Umberg (photo).