Joel Willi (* 2004) attended grammar school at the cantonal school in Solothurn, graduated this summer and is now beginning his studies in philosophy in Rome.
Daniele Calzetta (* 1999 in La Spezia) graduated in Philosophy and in Theory and History of the Arts and the Image at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan. After focusing on Platonic and Pauline thought, he continued his studies on the Church Fathers at the Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum in Rome. He also attended the PIAC.
Nicola Gadaleta from Molfetta, a second-year assistant at the Roman Institute of the Görres Society, received his doctorate from the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici of the University of the Republic of San Marino on 20 October with a thesis on "The Cathedral Chapter of Bari from its beginnings to the early Angevin period". He is currently attending the prestigious School of Palaeography, Diplomatics and Archivistics at the Vatican Apostolic Archives.
An alumni group from the University of Passau led by Executive Director Doreen Müller-Murr visited the RIGG. The director led the group through the cemetery to a gravestone of Matthäus Hochmylner (d. 1720), a baker from Traunkirchen who became wealthy in Rome and donated 6000 guilders for the permanent maintenance of three students in his home in Passau, apparently for students of the Lyceum there. If that's not a model for ex-alumni who have become wealthy!
In September, the Bonn art historian and head of the Art History Section of the Görres Society, Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck, together with Prof. Bianca Kühnel from the Hebrew University, who is currently a visiting professor in Bonn, conducted a Rome excursion on the topic of "Rome-Jerusalem Interactions". The programme included numerous churches, but also the big synagogue. Furthermore, the group was guided to the Esquiline by the RIGG's responsible for history of art, Dr. Andreas Raub, the director explained the papal chapel Sancta Sanctorum. Of course, a visit to Campo Santo Teutonico was also on the agenda (see pictures).
Michael Hetz (*1995 in Munich) studied history and Latin philology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. He is working on a dissertation project in regional history entitled "RangOrdnung. High Medieval Nobility Associations in the Alpine Region". The work is supervised by Prof. Dr. Dieter J. Weiß and funded by the Hanns Seidel Foundation.
The RIGG's Instagram account, RIGG's Instagram account, regularly fed by Dr Ignacio García with lots of interesting historical and cutlure information, is approaching the 700-follower mark. If you are interested in Rome, this is the right address for you!
On 18 July, Dr Ewald Andratsch, a native of South Tyrol (Brixen), passed away at the age of 91. He lived in Rome for many years as Vice-President of Mercedes-Benz Italia and was closely associated with the Campo Santo Teutonico as a member of the Board of the Archconfraternity at the time of Rector Erwin Gatz. From the time he joined in January 2005 until his move to Germany in 2017, he was a member of the RIGG and a regular visitor to the lectures.
Christian Schwaiger (* 1994 in Tübingen) completed his studies in Protestant theology in Tübingen and Rome in 2020 and successfully completed his vicariate in Böblingen and Ulm in 2023. He is currently completing his studies in Classical Archaeology with a thesis on Roman coins in Palestine in order to start the doctoral programme at the PIAC in Rome in autumn.
Tommaso Bonifaci in Rome is a priest of the Archdiocese of Cologne. He studied Catholic theology at the University of Bonn and is currently doing his doctorate with Prof. Luigi Michele De Palma at the Lateran University on an ecclesiastical history topic of the Middle Ages.