Roman Institute of the Görres Society

Science Center for History since 1888

From The Institute

Francesca Paola Massara is Professor of Christian Archaeology and Christian Art and Iconography at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Sicily 'S. Giovanni ev.' in Palermo, where she has also held the position of Library Director since 2009.
She has been Director of the Diocesan Museum of Mazara del Vallo since 2008.

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Nicolas Stark, resident at the German College (as can be seen from the background of the picture), is studying Protestant theology for a pastoral ministry in Munich. The study programme of the Centro Melantone takes him to Rome for an academic year on his study path. His main interests lie in the 'mysterious workshop of God' and he is already looking forward to the coming exchange at RIGG.

Brother Adam (Raphael) Bergmann, OFM, was born on 24 December 1991 in Wels, Austria, where he graduated from a humanistic secondary school in 2010 and then did his civilian service. He completed his theology studies with stays in Germany and Israel with a diploma thesis on the tradition-historical connection of early Jewish literature (apocalyptic) and the preaching of Jesus as it is handed down in the Synoptic Gospels at the Catholic Theological Faculty with Prof. Dr. Christoph Heil in Graz.

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Franz Malzl (* 1998 in Baden, Austria) studied at the University of Vienna. There he has completed a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Catholic Religious Education and a Diploma in Catholic Theology. He is currently studying at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana. There he is working on a licentiate thesis in Dogmatic Theology.

In his second webinar lecture on 17 January, Stefan Heid spoke about the beginnings of the Roman Institute of the Görres Society, which was founded in 1888. The main focus was on the working methods and the research topics. The long-term projects started at that time were the edition of the nunciature files, the history of papal finance in the 14th century and the edition of the acts of the Council of Trent.


The RIGG's YouTube channel, which has been running since December 2020, has seen a sharp increase in viewers. The number of subscribers increased from 48 to 81. Currently, the channel has 4 categories (playlists): General (4), Lectures at RIGG (9), Lectures from the Cult of the People conference (6) and Book Reviews (8). Last year the films were viewed 4,157 times, in 2021 only 1,531 times. Subscribe to our channel!


The Roman Institute of the Görres Society continues to grow in the second year of the Corona Crisis. Last year, the number of members rose from 229 to 241, 179 of them men and 62 women. Although 32 new members were recruited, the growth rate remained lower due to departures, resignations and deaths. The society of Görres as a whole also grew, by 34 members to 2840 members.

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Stefan Scheer (* 1958 in Regensburg) spent most of his professional life in northern Italy on Lake Maggiore, where he worked for the European Commission's research centre. Now that he is retired, he is also stuck there.

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