Roman Institute of the Görres Society

Science Center for History since 1888

From The Institute

Tommaso Bonifaci in Rome is a priest of the Archdiocese of Cologne. He studied Catholic theology at the University of Bonn and is currently doing his doctorate with Prof. Luigi Michele De Palma at the Lateran University on an ecclesiastical history topic of the Middle Ages.

For its doctoral conference "The Italian Capital as a Source of European Identity", the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation under the direction of Dr. Andreas Burtscheidt visited the Roman Institute of the Görres Society for a lecture and discussion on the Campo Santo as a place of science and refuge".

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Marco Junio Coccari (* 1994, Lugo) graduated in Modern Philology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and since 2021 has been enrolled in the XXXVII cycle of the PhD course in "Humanistic Studies. Tradition and Contemporaneity' at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He is presenting a medieval history project entitled 'L'ordine dei Crociferi nell'Italia dei secoli XII-XIII', conducted under the scientific supervision of Prof. Maria Pia Alberzoni and Prof. Dr. Guido Cariboni.

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The Foundation for the Promotion of the Roman Institute of the Görres Society with an endowment of 350,000 is located at the Foundation Centre Fundraising of the Archdiocese of Cologne. In the offices there, the Institute floats at the top of the foundation cloud (foto). The Foundation Centre also advises on the planning of bequests for the benefit of the Roman Institute.

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Dr Ignacio García has created the 400th post on the RIGG's Instagram channel "rigg1888". The channel does not so much inform about the Institute as - every two days - about new impressions and events from the Roman history, intellectual and art world. It combines this with many clever and often remote hints as well as practical tips.


Every year around Easter, the Roman Institute of the Görres Society publishes and sends out a detailed, illustrated annual report. However, the report is already available as a PDF and can be viewed and downloaded here:

annual report 2022

Gwendolyn Straubhaar (*1995 in Binningen, Switzerland) is studying Classical Archaeology and European Art History at the University of Heidelberg. After an academic year at the Università La Sapienza, she is currently writing a master's thesis in the field of spolia research in Rome.

© Enrico Fontolan

Dr Adrian Bremenkamp studied art history, philosophy and classical archaeology in Berlin and Paris and completed his studies in 2011 with a thesis on the iconography and function of the Bethlehemite infanticide in 15th century Sienese altarpiece painting. Between 2008 and 2010 he supervised the exhibition project fake or feint - six scenarios on tactical markings, funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds in Berlin.

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In 1976 the College of Campo Santo Teutonico celebrated its centenary. Rector Erwin Gatz, just in office, invited German-speaking church historians to a conference at the end of October, among them naturally a great many (if not all) Görresians, headed by Hubert Jedin. On 30 October, Pope Paul VI received the church historians in a private audience and presented the College with a valuable facsimile.

More about this gift in the video