Recommended reading of our Library

Quiet place of study with a view of St Peter's

Recommended reading

The Campo Santo Teutonico library has once again received a rarity through a donation, namely a richly illustrated volume published in 1940 on the new model state that was created under Pope Pius XI in the ten years following the Lateran Treaties (1929).

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The anthology by Christopher Kast and Claudia Märtl on papal journeys from the 11th to the 15th century has now been published as the 71st supplement to the Römische Quartalschrift. It comprises the papers presented at the conference held at the RIGG in October 2022, which was funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.

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Susanne Kubersky-Piredda from the Bibliotheca Hertziana and Tobias Daniels have published an impressive volume on the so-called German national church of the "Anima" in Piazza Navona in Rome in the first three centuries of its existence. It is part of the Hertziana's larger "Roma communis patria" project, which examines Rome's national churches and their confraternities from a historical and art-historical perspective.

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The papers presented at the conference on "Martyrdom in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages", which took place at the RIGG in February 2019, have been published by Aschendforff Verlag in the series "Koinonia - Oriens" as a 57th volume. The volume is edited by Peter Bruns (Bamberg), Thomas Kremer (Eichstätt) and Andreas Weckwerth (Eichstätt) and contains 18 essays (here the content).

the book

Waltrudis Hoffmann and Barbara Pfeffer, who have been offering courses on art and music in Rome for years, have published a marvellous book about the piano virtuoso, composer and writer Franz Liszt (1811-1886) in Rome and Tivoli, probably as a rich harvest of their experiences. Liszt lived in the Eternal City from 1861.

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The successful author of travel guides Stefan Gödde has published a Polyglot Rome Guide after his visit to Rome. In it, he not only gives a very detailed account of the Campo Santo Teutonico with a long interview with Rector Dr Hans-Peter Fischer, but also mentions the Roman Institute of the Görres Society (pp. 57-61).

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Uwe Michael Lang from the London Oratory, a profound connoisseur of Roman liturgical history, since 2012 is the editor of the liturgical journal "Antiphon", which has been in existence for 25 years, since 2012. Since 2017, "Antiphon" has been distributed by the Catholic University of America Publishing House on behalf of the Society for Catholic Liturgy, which hosts an annual liturgical conference at Notre Dame University.

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After ten years of intensive research, Philippe Nuss, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Strasbourg, has published an exemplary study on St. Abbess Odilia, which he has brought to RIGG. Nuss' research focuses on hagiography of the early Middle Ages. According to her medieval vita, Odilia lived around 700. Nuss researches the spread of the cult from the 8th to the 12th century on the basis of all manuscripts of the vita and on the basis of calendars. The "German" Pope Leo IX (1049-1054) proves to be the driving force of the Odilia cult.

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