The anthology by Christopher Kast and Claudia Märtl on papal journeys from the 11th to the 15th century has now been published as the 71st supplement to the Römische Quartalschrift. It comprises the papers presented at the conference held at the RIGG in October 2022, which was funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.

The volume is not only excellently edited, but also offers a detailed introduction by the two editors as well as all lectures in German, Italian or English on 375 pages. This is followed by a very helpful selective bibliography on the topic (pp. 379-400) and an index of persons. The volume is thus similarly research-friendly as the supplementary volume on the Liber Pontificalis and fits perfectly into the entire series on papal history. The volume is also equipped with numerous high-quality illustrations. At 58 euros, the volume is very favourably priced.



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Stefan Heid
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