Recommended reading of our Library

Quiet place of study with a view of St Peter's

Recommended reading

Dieter Desczyk in Berlin has published a book on "Bridges and Saints". With its drawings it is a small rarity, there is nothing comparable. "Message": The bridge has something transcendent (crossing over) in the truest sense of the word, but also in the symbolic: over dangers from one world to another, and in this the saints are accompanying intercessors and true pontifices.


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Johannes Mahr has described the first 18 years of the history of the Missionary Benedictines (of St. Ottilien) in an 850-page basic work. The brilliant volume, adorned with hundreds of historical illustrations, is the result of an immense amount of work. It is very readable and introduces in detail the mentality of the times and the first mission years in Africa, with all the light and shade.

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Even in the recent novel by the Irish writer Joseph O'Connor "In My Father's House" (2023) about the Irish priest Hugh O'Flaherty (1898-1963), the Campo Santo Teutonico hardly appears. However, in 1943/44, O'Flaherty had just set up the largest private relief operation for those persecuted before the Nazis in Rome from the German College in the Vatican.

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In view of its 100th anniversary, the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology has published a very attractive volume in which all the current professors describe the history of their discipline. The square volume is illustrated with many historical and current photos. The editors are Chiara Cecalupo and Stefan Heid.

Information and Acquisition

On today's 9 November, the consecration day of the Lateran Basilica - caput et mater omnium ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis - we would like to draw your attention to the book "Altar and Church. Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity", which is currently being published in english by Catholic University of America Press and Schnell und Steiner. It deals in detail with the liturgy in the early Christian churches of St John Lateran, St Peter and St Paul Outside the Walls.

Book (Germany)        Book (America)

An expanded third German edition of the book "Altar und Kirche. Prinzipien christlicher Liturgie" by Stefan Heid is now available again. This edition corresponds to the new English edition also published by Schnell & Steiner in Regensburg "Altar and Church. Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity".

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Stefan Heid
Campo Santo Teutonico
00120 Città del Vaticano 
+39 06 698 92 672

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