From around the world

News around the globe

From Around The World

For many years now, the Paul Maria Baumgarten Institute for Papacy Research, directed by Prof. Dr. Jochen Johrendt, a student of Rudolf Schieffer, has existed at the University of Wuppertal. The institute is named after the enigmatic and certainly tragic figure of Baumgarten (+ 1948), a convert born in Wuppertal-Barmen in 1860, who was associated with the Campo Santo Teutonico throughout his life and, in addition to his journalistic and church-political activities, was above all an expert on the Curia. The Institute is very well networked in Italy. The current assistant of the RIGG, Nicola Gadaleta, completed parts of his studies in Wuppertal. 

The publishing house Schnell & Steiner offers numerous books at drastically reduced prices, among them by Stefan Heid:

  • Personenenlexikon zur Christlichen Archäologie, 2 Bände: 60,- instead of 129,- Euro
  • Wohnen wie in Katakomben. Kleine Museumsgeschichte des Campo Santo Teutonico: 20,- instead of 49,95 Euro
  • Blutzeuge. Tod und Grab des Petrus in Rom: 8,- instead of 16,90 Euro.

Furthermore, a whole series of highly interesting and quality books.


The Bishop of Augsburg, Dr Bertram Meier, awarded the Diocesan History Promotion Prize of the Association for Augsburg Diocesan History to Dr Georg Kolb for his dissertation on 5 November 2022 in the House of St Ulrich. Kolb evaluated the Vatican archives for his work "The Ad Limina Visits of the Bishops of Augsburg, Eichstätt, Freising and Regensburg (1575-1731)" mainly during his time as a scholarship holder at the Roman Institute of the Görres Society. 

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The Leibiz Science Campus is organising five public lectures in Mainz and Frankfurt in the winter semester 2022/23. Panagiotis Agapitos, Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann, Jutta Dresken-Weiland, Eckhard Wirbelauer, Dimiter Angelov and Sitta von Reden will speak.


One of the most user-friendly German archives is the Bundesarchiv Koblenz, which digitises individual holdings on request (INVENIO search programme). Recently, parts of the estate of Georg Graf von Hertling (1843-1919) were put online. Hertling founded the "Görres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft im katholischen Deutschland" (Görres Society for the Cultivation of Science in Catholic Germany) in Koblenz in 1876 (which is why the General Assembly will be held there in 2026 on the occasion of its 150th anniversary). Hertling was last Bavarian Prime Minister and German Chancellor - the first Catholic chancellor.

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At the conference "Hubert Jedin - Storico del Concilio, cittadino di Trento", Matteo Fadini and Laura di Fabio referred to Jedin's estate in the Fondazione Bruno Kessler-Bibliotheca. This estate includes both his library (about 5000 volumes) and manuscripts and correspondence, which are accessible to the public and are currently being inventoried. It is a substantial Jedin estate alongside that in the Commission for Contemporary History in Bonn. 

See all the speakers of the conference on Youtube: 13 October - 14 October