Where the past has a future

Forum for Historical Research since 1888

Lectures and Conferences

25 Mai: Public Conference Görres: Hartmut Benz speaks about espionage in the Vatican

Topic: "Ein Meisterspion im Vatikan? Das mysteriöse Leben des Prälaten Rudolf Gerlach (1886-1946)"

Hartmut Benz (Ruppichteroth), one of the best experts on the Roman Curia in the 19th/20th century, has shed light on the opaque life of the German Curia prelate Rudolf Gerlach, who came from Baden, in three articles in the Römische Quartalschrift (2021-2023) and presents the results of his research.

Beginning: 6 pm

Location: Hall Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

For participation via Zoom please contact Stefan Heid.

Jobs & Scholarships

Roman Notes & From the Institute

5-6 April: Conference on Rome in the Renaissance

lla John Cabot University di Roma si tiene un convegno internazionale su Roma nel Rinascimento. Tra i 27 relatori figurano Jörg Voigt (sui Francescani nel XV secolo) e Andreas Rehberg (sulla Curia romana nel XVI secolo).


From around the world

12 April: Hedwig Röckelein will speak about "Agiography in motion"

A lot has happened in German and international research since the working group for hagiographical questions first met 30 years ago. On 12 April 2024 at 19:30, Göttingen historian Hedwig Röckelein will trace these changes using the example of her own research biography under the title "Research on saints in motion - between textuality and materiality".
