Where the past has a future

Forum for Historical Research since 1888

Lectures and Conferences

25 Mai: Public Conference Görres: Hartmut Benz speaks about espionage in the Vatican

Topic: "Ein Meisterspion im Vatikan? Das mysteriöse Leben des Prälaten Rudolf Gerlach (1886-1946)"

Hartmut Benz (Ruppichteroth), one of the best experts on the Roman Curia in the 19th/20th century, has shed light on the opaque life of the German Curia prelate Rudolf Gerlach, who came from Baden, in three articles in the Römische Quartalschrift (2021-2023) and presents the results of his research.

Beginning: 6 pm

Location: Hall Pope Benedict XVI (Campo Santo Teutonico)

For participation via Zoom please contact Stefan Heid.

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Roman Notes & From the Institute

From around the world

17-19 April: Conference on Ratzinger in Mexiko City

The "Cooperatores Veritatis" conference on Ratzinger in dialogue with philosophy will take place from 17 to 19 April in Mexico City at the Universidad Panamericana. The conference is supported by the Ratzinger Foundation in Madrid.
