The Paderborn Professor of Ancient Church History and Patrology Hubertus R. Drobner has published a truly epoch-making work on the chronology of Augustine's sermons: 1,491 pages in 2 volumes for 326 euros. Drobner, who has been translating Augustine's sermons into German for many years (see here), knows his stuff.

In this case, a Herculean task lasting over ten years is behind it, insofar as 583 authentic Augustine sermons (from around 5000 to 8000 sermons preached by Augustine but otherwise not preserved) are dealt with. They cover 40 years of preaching activity and thus provide an excellent insight into Augustine's theological development.

Of course, this requires precise dating. Drobner now provides rigorous criteria for dating, which he discusses in detail in the introduction. On this basis, he then discusses all previous dating suggestions for each individual sermon and very often comes to the conclusion that the homily can neither be dated nor localised with certainty. However, the reader will find all previous scholarly positions for each sermon and can therefore ultimately form their own opinion and follow this or that view.

Theological debates are sometimes important, such as Donatism or Pelagianism, which can narrow down the time frame, but even here it is not always possible to make certain statements.

En passant, Drobner also deals with liturgical questions (e.g. Pentecost vigil as baptismal vigil, Traditio symboli), and in detail with the dubious or spurious sermons 364-396.

Around 100 sermons on festivals and saints are important for hagiography. Here, of course, the day of the month of the relevant saint's feast can usually be given, but the year and place remain mostly undefined.

The subject index is very helpful and also provides important keywords for Christian archaeologists.

Finally, the foreword is worth mentioning, in which Drobner thanks Dr Bruno Hannöver OCist and PD Dr Frank Sobiech, among others, and then writes about Campo Santo Teutonico:

"The Pontifical College at Campo Santo Teutonico in the Vatican, under the direction of Rector Prelate Dr Hans-Peter Fischer, ultimately provided me with an undisturbed and inspiring home during my research sabbatical from September 2020 to April 2021 in a familiar circle of like-minded scholars and confreres, without whom the book would certainly not have been completed with such great feude, so smoothly and so quickly."



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