Those who live outside Italy but would still like to belong to the Roman Institute of the Görres Society can now do so by becoming a supporting member. He will be admitted to the Institute's Hall of Fame as a supporting member. 

What do I have to do?

  1. You donate at least 500,- Euro to the RIGG.
  2. Each additional donation is added to this basic amount so that you move up in the Hall of Fame....  

There are four classes of sustaining members:

  1. Class "BACH": from of 500,- € onwards
  2. Class "LIC": from of 2.000,- € onwards
  3. Class "DOC": from 5.000,- € onwards
  4. Class "HABIL": from 10.000,- € onwards


Hall of Fame

Donations requested for:

Görres-Gesellschaft (RIGG)

IBAN:   DE07 3705 0299 0000 3729 61

BIC:      COKS DE 33 (Kreissparkasse Köln)

Codeword: "Spende"