"The Director is responsible for the local management of the Institute's activities. He is appointed by the Board of the Görres Society for three years at a time" (Statutes § 9).

"The Director has the following tasks:

    • He represents the Institute externally.

    • He supervises the scientific work of the fellows and assistants.

    • He supervises the publications of the Institute and is the responsible co-editor of the Römische Quartalschrift für Christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte.

    • He is responsible for the Institute's internet activities, which must comply with the guidelines of the Görres Society.

    • He is responsible to the Board of Directors and prepares the regular reports for the annual report of the Görres Society.

    • He reports to the Board of Directors on the activities of the Institute and prepares its meetings.

    • He is a natural member of the Board of the Foundation for the Promotion of the Roman Institute of the Görres Society" (§ 10).

The director works on a fee basis (306,- per month).

Publications for download (free of charge)

Publications in the "Römische Quartalschrift" for download (fee required)

Publications in the "Herderkorrespondenz" for download (fee required)

Academic Network


Amazon Author Central

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Other memberships

Guided tours of Rome

I am available for student and academic groups for guided tours with an accent on the early and medieval church (with a background in art history and liturgy). My main focus is on the Esquiline (Santa Maria Maggiore, Santa Prassede, Santa Pudenziana), the Lateran (Basilica, Baptistery, Sancta Sanctorum, Triclinium), the Aventine (S. Sabina), the Vatican (Campo Santo, Basilica, Gardens, Necropolis of S. Rosa) and the Roman Forum (Capitol, Via sacra, Maxentius Basilica, Arch of Constantine, Cosma e Damiano). For catacombs, I lead exclusively in Priscilla (via Salaria, 430).