Die römische Inquisition. Kardinäle und Konsultoren 1601 bis 1700
Herman H. Schwedt | 2017
Supplement volume 64 of the Roman Quarterly
This volume follows on from the description of the cardinals and consultors of the Sanctum Officium for the 16th century, which appeared in 2013 under the title "The beginnings of the Roman Inquisition" as a supplement issue of the Römische Quartalschrift. It presents around 470 people who belonged to the Roman Sanctum Officium as members of the Cardinal Congregation, as its officials or advisors over a period of 100 years. Among them one finds sons of distinguished princes and renowned writers, but also unknown experts and scribes, who are not presented here according to rank or importance, but in egalitarian alphabetical order.
Verlag Herder
1. Auflage 2017
Linnen, 704 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-34867-9
Bestellnummer: P348672
- Details
- Written by: Super User
- Category: Publications