The German Archaeological Institute in Rome
The oldest German research institution in Rome, the German Archaeological Institute, is about to move back into the Via Sardegna, where it will move into its familiar but thoroughly renovated rooms. Ortwin Dally and Ines Balzer have published a vivid booklet on "current research - history - perspectives" (2022, 2nd edition). It contains articles on the Institute's changing buildings, the archive and photo library, research projects (including Norbert Zimmermann on Christian archaeology) and the promotion of young researchers.
Ortwin Dally: "Communication and networking as well as the digitality of modern archaeological projects are nowadays hardly conceivable without the internet ... are hardly conceivable without the internet. Here, the new building sets new standards with its ubiquitously available WLAN and transmission options for scientific events inside and outside the building. The already digitised and continuously expanded resources of the photo library, the archive, the library and excavations are integrated into the data holdings of the entire German Archaeological Institute and can be accessed in the building" (p. 58).
- Details
- Written by: Stefan Heid
- Category: Roman notes