The Roman Quarterly (Römische Quartalschrift), published by the Roman Institute of the Görres Society and the College of Campo Santo Teutonico, is now available digitised from the first volume 1887 to the volume 2009. These 103 volumes are now available online free of charge on the Index Theologicus platform of the University of Tübingen.

This highly welcome initiative is thanks to the DigiTheo 5 journal digitisation project at the University of Tübingen. The digitisation of the RQ has certainly been on the cards for around 10 years. In conjunction with Dr Stefan Orth from the Herder publishing house, the great work has now been completed.

The fact that the RQ was digitised as part of the Tübingen project undoubtedly has to do with the journal's great age and remarkable quality.

The volumes from 2010 onwards did not have to be included in the digitisation, as they are available online from the publisher Herder.

The Römische Quartalschrift publishes essays and reviews on all aspects of church history and Christian archaeology.

Römische Quartalschrift in the Index Theologicus