Davide De Caprio (* 1985 in Terracina) (academia.edu; researchgate) holds a licentiate and a master's degree in philosophy from La Sapienza University in Rome. In 2022 he was awarded a PhD in Philosophy of Religion from the University of Strasbourg with a thesis on "Theology and Philosophy in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI" (in press).

He was a scholarship holder of the Joseph Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI Foundation, the Vatican Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Foundation and the DAAD. He is a member of UR4377 (Laboratoire de Théologie catholique et Sciences religieuses, Université de Strasbourg). His research focuses on the philosophy of religion in its relation to moral philosophy and social theory.

De Caprio is organising an international congress on "Joseph Ratzinger/Benoît XVI et la culture française", 5 and 6 May 2022, in partnership with the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI. in Regensburg.