The news about the visit of Augsburg Bishop Bertram Meier to the graves of the Ulma family in Markowa (Poland) is an occasion to draw attention to a book about the Ulma family. During the Second World War, the Ulma family hid Jews in their home for years, even though it was punishable by death. This could not remain hidden, and so they were denounced to the Nazis.

As a result, the entire Ulma family was executed in their own home on 24 March 1944: first the parents, then their seven children, and all the Jews they had taken in were murdered on the spot.

Pawel Rytel-Andrianik and Manuela Tulli have published a touching booklet in Italian about this: Uccisero anche i bambini: Gli Ulma, la famiglia martire che aiutò gli ebrei.



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