In his dissertation, which is now available as a book, Dr. Sven Conrad presents in a comprehensive way the role that liturgy or Christian worship plays in the fundamental theology and dogmatics of Professor Joseph Ratzinger. Among other things, the book was written in critical conversation with Ratzinger himself.

Far beyond the question of liturgical reform and pragmatic changes, it is about the fundamental relevance of liturgy today: Is it worship or human service? Is it pastorally and culturally determined by time or christologically and soteriologically anchored? Is it part of canon law or of theology? Does one still want cult at all or is everything simply dialogue? As always with Ratzinger, balanced answers anchored in God and faith are to be expected, but also developments and new questions in his decades of reflection on what the church does and is in worship.

Conrad has hold lectures in  conferences of the RIGG .

to the book


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Stefan Heid
Campo Santo Teutonico
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