On the occasion of the 124th General Assembly of the Görres Society in Aachen 2022, the Historical Society for the Diocese of Aachen or Frank Pohle has compiled a booklet with biographies of seven Aachen historians: Alfred von Reumont, Alfons Bellesheim, Ludwig Pastor, Joseph Hansen, Friedrich Lauchert, Franz Baeumker and Erwin Gatz.

Reumont, who published a three-volume history of the city of Rome that ended with the Risorgimento and the end of papal Rome in 1870, is particularly involved with Rome. Furthermore, Ludwig Pastor, through his Papstgeschichte (History of the Pope), helped to write a history of Rome, so to speak, and was above all interested in art history in the process. And finally, Erwin Gatz stands for Rome, where he worked for 35 years at the Campo Santo Teutonico. Dominik Burkard has written a biography of him.

All the biographies are both vividly written and well documented. A successful "Supplement 11" of "History in the Diocese of Aachen"!





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