Father Pius Engelbert, former abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of Gerleve and for a long time professor of church history in Rome, writes about the new book by Teresa Lohr "Die Kirche Santa Maria della Pietà am Campo Santo Teutonico zwischen Historismus und Zweitem Vatikanischen Konzil":

"Yesterday I received from the publisher Herder the latest publication of the supplement volumes to the RQ. I am very impressed by Teresa Lohr's book. With uncanny diligence she has compiled everything that happened to the Church of the Campo Santo Teutonico in the 19th and 20th centuries in terms of changes. The documentation of the pre-1960 state is impressive. I myself have only experienced the church in its transformation from 1960-1977. I remember that Prelate Gatz told me about the heated discussions that the changes provoked. It is a gain that the respective time-related renovations are now so well documented. I thank you for sending me the book. When you see Ms Lohr, please give her my high praise".

There is no better way to recommend the book. It is a milestone in the documentation of the history of the art and funerary monuments of the Campo Santo Teutonico.

The book will be launched on 7 December in Rome on the eve of the patronal feast of the Archconfraternity of Campo Santo Teutonico. We would all be delighted if you could come to Rome for this.

order the book


Kontakt Direktor

Stefan Heid
Campo Santo Teutonico
00120 Città del Vaticano 
+39 06 698 92 672

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